Palisades Fun Facts
We have history together. Just click on the month, and read on!
December: Celebrating Winter Holidays the Palisades Way
November: Seeing the Palisades Come to Be: The Gabrielson Photos and Their Mysterious Provenance
October: To Build or Not to Build — That is the (Palisades) Question
September: When Growing Up in the Palisades Leads to Olympic Success—And so Much More!
August: The Rediscovered Personal Side of the Photo Collection Documenting Early Palisades History
July: The “Moral Control” That Once Was at the Heart of Pacific Palisades
June: Shopping in the Palisades—A Tale of Two Blocks
May: The Legendary Ernie Marquez, and How Come the Post Office Says the Oldest Part of Pacific Palisades is in Santa Monica?
April: Much To Be Savored When Visiting Our Community’s Newest Park
March: Watch the Long-Lost Short Film that Marked Pacific Palisades at the Vanguard of Community Environmental Activism.
February: We Just Acquired a Vintage Painting!